Monday, July 16, 2012

I believe some introductions are in order.

My name is Kristina Elizabeth Schmidt, although I just prefer Kristina Elizabeth. I'm 17 years old, and going into my senior year in high school.

I'm a little science and math nerd, just waiting to move on to bigger and better things. This city has nothing going for me, and I'm excited to just MOVE OUT.

I want to go to MIT. I'm doing a summer program with them at the moment, so... *fingers crossed*

I want to study chemical engineer, and maybe minor in astrophysics. I am a strong believer in the big bang theory. I am an atheist. And I am in love with Albert Einstein.

I am currently reading Parallel Words by Michio Kaku. My next book shall be Principia by Sir Isaac Newton himself. The universe is an amazing place, so expect many, many posts regarding it.

My favourite animal is a buffalo. They might be the cutest things I've ever seen. I mean... who could say no to that face?

I'm a libertarian. I hate the government, and believe there should be minimal control. However, I refuse to partake in a heated political debate. This is because both parties usually have no idea what they're actually discussing.

I'm going to perfect the hydrogen fuel cell one day, so watch out for my name in the paper.

I'm a vegetarian. I believe in a sustainable world. Do not tell me bacon is good, or I will go at you like a spider monkey (reference to my favourite movie ever).

Well that's enough about me. Tell me about you?

for now,
Kristina Elizabeth

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